This popped up on my Facebook feed and it made me smile. I lead a very busy work life and it is not always totally stress free, but it is doing something I love. The other benefit it gives me, is the opportunity to be flexible in my work pattern, allowing me precious family time.

At no time is this more important than on Tuesdays – or Nanny Tuesdays as they are known in the family. On a Tuesday, I swap the craft room for the playroom, as I spend time with my young grandchildren. I have my Grandson one week and my Granddaughter the next.

These short few years before they start school passes so quickly and I have always thought it was so important to create memories with them. They are both such fun to spend time and have their own unique little characters. Both are complete chatterboxes and it is wonderful to be able to suspend the to do list for a few hours and enter their world.

What is important to you in your life? Could being your own boss give you the flexibility to achieve that.

Find out more about doing what I do here.

And don’t forget that you can still take advantage of that Extra, Extra promotion and get £155 worth of goodies in your Starter kit for £99 and then next month you will also receive a £8 voucher to spend. All of that delivered postage free to your home.

Helen xx