What shall we make? is something you can often hear me say as I prepare for my Facebook Lives – and sometimes even at the beginning of my Facebook Lives!

During the height of the Lockdown, I was coming Live on Facebook every weekday morning. It gave me structure to my day, was great fun and hopefully brought other’s pleasure.
However, that level of commitment to my Lives was not sustainable, because I still have classes to run, customers to look after and new aspects of my business to develop. So, at the beginning of July I reverted to doing 2 regular Facebook Lives a week. However, I wanted to ensure that I was continuing to inspire people, so I also committed at that point to uploading a video every Wednesday and this has become my “What Shall We Make? series.
What Have We Made?
Over the last 6 weeks I have created a variety of different projects. There has been fun with techniques and Fancy Fold cards.
You will find all of these videos in my “What Shall we Make?” Playlist on my You Tube channel, as well as on my Facebook Page.
Grab a Cup of Tea
So every Wednesday morning, normally at 9 o’clock, you will find a new video added to the collection. Grab yourself a cup of tea and come and join me to discover the answer to the question:
“What shall we make?”
And if you have any requests for styles of cards or techniques, pop me a message and |I’ll see what I can do.
Stay safe, stay well
Helen xx
If you live in the UK, I would love you to choose me as your demonstrator. If you would like to purchase any of the items I have used in these projects you can shop here. Don’t hesitate to email me if I can be of any assistance. Make sure you use the current host code so I can thank you for your order. Anyone purchasing from me will receive this month’s Creative Tutorial Bundle as a Thank You.
This month’s Host Code Receive the tutorial for free when you support my business.